
Monthly Revenue
$ 0
Monthly Profit
$ 0
Funding Required
$ 0
Market Size
100000 0

Problem Statement

The tech publishing industry faces a challenge in delivering timely, relevant, and in-depth content that meets the evolving needs of tech professionals, businesses, and enthusiasts. Many existing platforms lack localized insights and fail to cover emerging Canadian tech trends comprehensively. There is a need for a resource that provides both global perspectives and Canadian-specific information in a bilingual format. Additionally, current offerings often do not effectively engage their audience through interactive and educational content. Addressing these gaps will ensure more informed and connected tech communities.

Solution Statement

Develop a comprehensive content strategy that integrates local and global tech trends, and offer bilingual, high-quality articles and reports. Establish strong industry partnerships and leverage digital marketing to build a broad, engaged audience.

Customer Profile

  • Location

    Our Audience are from Canada

  • Age Group

    We are targeting people from 18-24

  • Income Level

    Low Income

  • Buying Habits

    Habitual Buying (Little Thoughts on Products)

  • Technology Usage

    No Technology User (Prefers Physical Shopping)

  • Paint Points

Evaluation of Business with






Competitor Analysis


Competitive Advantage


Competitive Advantage

Learn All About Our Key Members

Meet The Partners

Bhagyashri Shetti

Marketing Strategies

Our Marketing Channels Include Google Ads, Social Media Ads, YouTube Ads, Newspaper Ads
Our marketing plan involves a multi-channel approach, including targeted digital advertising and SEO to drive traffic to our platform. We’ll leverage social media and email campaigns to engage with tech professionals and enthusiasts. Strategic partnerships with tech firms and industry influencers will enhance credibility and reach. Hosting webinars and events will foster community interaction and showcase our expertise. Additionally, content marketing through insightful articles and case studies will establish authority and attract a loyal readership

Business Launch Strategy

Hold webinar

Financial Projections

Monthly Projections

Monthly Revenue
$ 0
Monthly Profit
$ 0
Monthly Expense
$ 0
Funding Required
$ 0

Key Milestones

Launch the MVP

Acquire first customers/users

Secure a significant round of funding

Establish partnerships with key players in the industry