Food Delivery Company

Here are my products, every dish that’s fit for de 1. Pizza 2. Soups and stews 3. Barbecue 4. Chapati 5. Rice
Monthly Revenue
$ 0
Monthly Profit
$ 0
Funding Required
$ 0
Market Size
1000 0

Problem Statement

The following are the problem statement for my Company. Users are frustrated by the different offers and discounts provided by different food delivery applications, and they are also unhappy with delivery times and random cancellations. The goal is to create an app that solves these problems and increases user interaction.

Solution Statement

Here are the Solutions 1.Centralize Order Management: Implement a unified system for receiving and managing orders. 2.Training: Ensure that your staff is properly trained on how to use the new system. This includes understanding how to receive orders, confirm orders, and update the status of orders in real-time. 3.Use GloriaFood’s Online Ordering System: GloriaFood’s online ordering system allows for centralized management of all online orders

Customer Profile

  • Location

    Our Audience are from Tanzania

  • Age Group

    We are targeting people from 25-34

  • Income Level

    Low Income

  • Buying Habits

    Habitual Buying (Little Thoughts on Products)

  • Technology Usage

    No Technology User (Prefers Physical Shopping)

  • Paint Points

    Delayed Responses

Evaluation of Business with






Competitor Analysis


Competitive Advantage


Competitive Advantage

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Marketing Strategies

Our Marketing Channels Include Social Media Ads, YouTube Ads
The following are the marketing plan for my Company. 1.Identify your target audience and tailor your marketing messages to their specific needs and preferences 2.Develop a strong brand identity that resonates with your target market 3.Create engaging content, including social media posts, blog articles, and email campaigns, to promote your service and increase brand awareness 4.Implement effective marketing tactics, such as influencer partnerships and referral programs, to drive customer acquisition and retention

Business Launch Strategy

The following is how to launch my products. 1.Conduct thorough research to find the right investor, avoiding wasting time on unsuitable candidates. 2.Make a good first impression, as investors prefer working with people they know, like, and trust. 3.Be confident but not presumptuous; avoid insisting on non-disclosure agreements too early in the process. 4.Include data in your pitch to support your claims and be prepared for potential criticism. 5.Prepare for criticism and maintain composure during the pitch, even if faced with challenging questions.

Financial Projections

Monthly Projections

Monthly Revenue
$ 0
Monthly Profit
$ 0
Monthly Expense
$ 0
Funding Required
$ 0

Key Milestones

Acquire first customers/users


Secure a significant round of funding


Scale the business


Launch the MVP
